Paired folders, are they already functional?

I have defined pairs of folders, placed on both sides of the lister. If i click either one, i would expect the respective tab in the other file display to be activated, which is not the case at the moment. And what is the difference to the linked folder we already had? What, if the paired tab isn't open yet? Will it be opened, when we click one of the assigend tabs in ne file display?

They won't activate other tabs (the old linked tabs did that already).

They can be used in a few ways, depending on how the pair is configured. E.g. Go to one folder in a single-display lister, than turn on the dual file display (or click the Navigation Lock button), and it can automatically open the other folder on the other side.

Can also be used with the synchronize tool, and with commands and scripts to do more complex things.

Ok, i see. Then i will reconfigure my old linked tabs. I couldn't grasp it from that video preview in the Highlights page, what exactly is happening. Thanks.

You can regex your heart out :metal:

The paired folder will e.g. open when you go from single to dual mode.

I practically never use the single mode. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Navigate to your source folder, hit F6 twice - voila, you have your paired folder in the destination.

You can also make a button which runs this to open the corresponding folder on the other side:

Go OPENINDUAL PATH {sourcepath|pair}

The Commands section at the bottom of Detailed Release Notes: File Display has some other things you can add to {...|pair|...} to change how it behaves if the target folder doesn't exist.

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Navigate to your source folder, hit F6 twice - voila, you have your paired folder in the destination.

I guess i would. Wouldn't i have configured F6 to do something completely different. :rofl:

That one works :+1:. Not bad, i can use that to call some associated folders, when needed. As opposed to linked folders, which work a bit differently.

There is a problem when opening dual pane using the location bar button image - paired folder will not open.

That button explicitly navigates the other side to the same folder as the clicked side. It shouldn't open a paired folder. It isn't the same as the dual-display toggle.

The 'Default Navigation Lock target' only seems to work if I click navigation lock in single pane display. I would expect it to also open a new tab (or reuse existing) if I'm in dual display already.

I have configured a pair as such:

Paired Folders don't do anything when you change directories. (Unless you run a command like the one I mentioned earlier, after changing folders. A script could automate that if it's what you want.)

They affect which folder will open in the new side if you start in a single-display window and then do one of:

  • Turn on dual-display mode
  • Turn on navigation lock
  • Open the Synchronize tool

(Which is changed depends on the settings for the pair. They're all separate options.)

Thanks for your reply, Leo.

I hardly ever use single display, so paired folders don't add much for me it seems.

I'd like to submit a feature request to also open the paired folder in a dual display, when turning on navigation lock or opening the synchronize tool. :smiley:

You can use the command I posted above to open a pair in the other side when already in dual-display mode.

I don't know if making it automatic on folder change would work well. It'd be quite annoying if you didn't want it to happen sometimes, and had to keep changing the other folder back. But an OnAfterFolderChange script could make that happen fairly easily if you really want to try it.

I agree, automatic on folder change would be annoying. Nav lock or opening sync would be useful however.

It can already apply when navlock turns on or sync is opened.

But that doesn't work in dual listers, which was what I was talking about. Seems we are having a bit of misunderstanding maybe?

I get that a paired folder will open when one goes from single to dual mode.
I had figured that out soon after the first beta was released.

I like the F6 trick ! I'll probably use that from time to time, but I also want a dedicated button.
I used Leo's code and added Newtab .

Go OPENINDUAL PATH {sourcepath|pair}  Newtab

I have also found that the flickrsync2 icon works, at least for me, as a button icon.

I just came to report this, but it appears that it is working as "intended" but not as I would hope/want/expect it to work.

The F6 trick is ... helpful.

If I had any input? I would add an OPTION (off by default) to have lister redirection based on paired folders an automatic function. I'm a pretty smart guy, been using Dopus forever - and I couldn't 'figure it out' meaning at, as a user, I would consider it broken (as worst) and just not use it (at best).

I mean, I diddled with it for a good 20 minutes before I gave up (have it floundering around on video if you want to see it).

Would be GREAT to have an "auto" option - I think it makes sense; and yes, it makes sense to default it to OFF

Thank you!