Win/10 Pro. For the last several weeks, or even longer, when I wake my PC after being at work, I find literally dozens (50+) instances of D/Opus opened. None were open when I leave the PC in the morning. I have to kill them with Task Manager. The situation does not repeat if it Log Out in the morning. Only when I leave the PC running in Windows. Thoughts?
Does this happen even if Opus is not running (at all, not even "in the systray") when you leave the PC in the morning ?
Have you tried process explorer to try and see if dopus.exe process(es) is/are still attached to the process launching it/them ?
Hover the mouse over the (i) icon in the status bar of one of the windows and it should tell you what opened it.
It is not usually running in the sys tray. Or, should say, it is usually NOT running. Just my regular windows screen with desktop icons. I do have a bunch of other stuff that I run, e.g. Rainmeter, some other ObjectDesktop stuff (Fences, etc), MalwareBytes, etc.
I will do that next time the opportunity arises. Thanks
If it's not running at all, it's pretty likely it's not launching itself ...
You have to find the culprit which wants Opus to be there (automated/triggered task, some other program trying to open a folder which would end up launching Opus if it's set as explorer replacement, ...).
Yes, my thoughts too. I am trying to figure out what other process might be wanting to open an Explorer window ( D/oups is set as replacement)
I'm just wondering if there is something in the preferences that's calling it somewhere..)
If you close all the windows and restart the PC and then Opus, do the windows come back?
If Opus is set to remember and re-open windows that were open previously when Windows starts, and if you never close those windows, you could accumulate a lot of them, which would all open when Opus is launched.
I don't restart too often. and usually when i leave in the AM, I don't leave any other program running except the ones in the system tray
Try turning off Explorer Replacement and see if you get lots of File Explorer windows instead of Opus ones.
I will try that this morning before I leave. Last night, I had one D/O function running, copying a large folder from boot disk to an expansion USB disk as a backup. Here's what I found this morning :
Did you look at what the (i) tooltip shows as I suggested?
Yes -
That message indicates that it came from the Explorer Replacement hooks (i.e. something external to Opus is opening a folder).
Wasn't sure of the situation for yesterday's pile. I made sure that Explorer Replacement is NOT selected. Went to get a hair cut. PC went to sleep. Back now, about 15 D/opus windows open. but here's the odd part - ONE of them was for a local HD, the others were all "This PC" top level windows showing the drives, etc. Here's a cap of the little info flag this time (different message)
That means something external to Opus is asking for a folder to be displayed, which is causing Opus to open a window for it.
Is that info message from when Explorer Replacement was turned off? It'd be really rare for anything to trigger it in that situation, although it is possible.
Ok, another test, and I think I may have found the culprit. I have a Rainmeter Gadgets skin running with a couple of little widgets. When I killed that and left, there were no instances of D/opus running. So I'm betting it is the Disk Meter widget. Gonna try killing just that skin and let the PC sleep and see what happens. what's odd is that it never happens during normal waking hours...only when there's no keyboard or screen.