PDFs thumbnail not created


The viewer plug-ins for pdf active-x and pdf text are both ticked as enabled yet DO does not create thumbnails for PDF files when the content type is set to 'images'. Other formats such as JPG etc. do have correct thumbnails.

AHHH. I think I may have the solution; I'll post this anyway for others to see if that's OK.

It seems that DO must use the rendering engine inside Adobe Acrobat Reader (V7) so that if Acrobat is not installed, not installed properly, not the default PDF reader etc. the thumbnails will not be rendered even if the DO plug-ins are enabled.

I trust this is technically correct and that it may be of use to someone else.

Opus doesn't create PDF thumbnails at all - they are only visible if the "Use shell image extraction" option is on. Acrobat Reader is what is responsible for installing the shell extension that generates these thumbnails, so if you don't have Acrobat installed you won't get them.

Where is that command please?

Also - I've looked everywhere and the keyword 'thumbnail' is not in the help file: how do I resize (and fix) the thumbnailss please?

Preferences / Listers / Thumbnails: Use shell image extraction for formats Opus does not understand.

You can set the default thumbnail size on the same Preferences page. (The Dynamic thumbnail resizing option in the same place allows you to have a slider on your toolbars which lets you change thumbnail size in real-time.)

Note that even with Shell Image Extraction on and Acrobat/Adobe Reader installed some PDF files still won't get thumbnails because they were created without the thumbnail flag turned on. To save time, verify that a PDF file gets a thumbnail in Explorer before trying it in Opus, so that you know the Adobe stuff is doing its job and the file itself allows/supports thumbnails.

Great. Now I found it tucked away inocuously ....

Is it true that the word 'thumbnail' doesn't appear on a help search?

Astonishingly prompt service from you guys. Never experienced anything so fast!

Maybe there's something wrong with your help file index (try deleting C:\program files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\Help\DOpus.GID) as it appears in the help file in a few places.

The Help file mainly covers the Opus commands and arguments and what you really want to look in is the PDF manual which covers everything in the Help file as well as other things like Thumbnail Preferences. (There's an online version of the PDF manual on GPSoftware's website, as well.)

Yeah the guys in here have been very helpful since i've started using DO.

I think in version 9 of opus every copy should be sold with a Nudel to help you out when ever you need to know something. 8)

Forgive me for asking but what's a nudel?

We only wish we knew!