Per toolbar highlight setting please

Putting together an essentials only, double-icon, toolbar for the titlebar.

In the video the three buttons on the left are double icon buttons. The others are not.

It would be nice to have an option in the customize/toolbars settings

to turn off the highlight rectangle on a per toolbar basis, please.

The highlight is superfluous when using double-icon buttons, and gets in the way of the visual experience.

You can use @toggle:none in the button definition for that, on a per-button basis.

that does not work :frowning:



Maybe @toggle:disable

That is not working either, I think the issue here is that toggle and highlight are 2 seperate things. Toggle deals with the on/off highlight state and highlight is just the normal mouseover highlight rectangle.

So the request still stands please -
A per toolbar setting in customize/toolbars to turn off the highlight for a toolbar.

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We'll add an option for this to 13.11.1.


@toggle=disable and checking No highlight border is working now V13.11

Doing it per toolbar instead of per button is great news, many thanks :slight_smile: