Hey there,
Just wondering what is the most basic looping system for operations within folders (multiple operations)...
I see from the manual you can...
1.Load into TABS and then act on the tabs...
2.Load into new listers and act on them (using embedded functions)
Is there a simpler way (before moving to jscript) to enter each selected folder, do a few things and move on to the next in selection
and do the same once we have @set selFolders {file$}.... ?
It depends to an extent on exactly what you want to do.
Some commands have recursion built-in.
For those which don't, generally, if you want to do something ad-hoc, then using Flat View or Find Files to get a list of files is a good approach. If it's not ad-hoc, then scripting probably makes most sense, and makes recursion extremely easy. (The example I linked doesn't recurse, but if you change a "false" to "true", it will, without any other changes.)