With help from Kundal in German forum I have following jsscript, which creates a playlist and add it to a player.
var cmd = DOpus.Create.Command
var jsFilter = ""+
"if (item.metadata == 'audio'){ "+
"var genre = new String(item.metadata.audio['mp3year']);"+
"if (genre.indexOf('198')!=-1) return false; /*do not filter*/"+
cmd.RunCommand('Delete "coll://Musik Playlist" REMOVECOLLECTION=auto QUIET')
cmd.RunCommand('SelectEx LINEAR '+
'PATH="/Media\\Musik\\Singles" RECURSE JSFILTER="'+jsFilter+'" '+
'COPYTOCOLL="Musik Playlist" '+
'TOFILE="E:\\Media\\Musik\\Playlisten\\Musik 1980s.m3u" '+
'COMMANDS=Go "coll://Musik Playlist"')
cmd.RunCommand('/Programme\\AIMP\\AIMP.exe "/Media\\Musik\\Playlisten\\Musik 1980s.m3u"')
It's working fine, except that following line will only work when using full path or Windows-paths (e.g. %temp%), but not when using the DO-alias (which is working in all other cases):
'TOFILE="/Media\\Musik\\Playlisten\\Musik 1980s.m3u" '+