Please help - strange icon problem!

This problem occurs only in some directories(!): The file-type icon is invisible. After pressing F5 to renew the lister view the file-type icons are displayed for a few seconds and then they disappear! However, this problem does not occur in Windows Explorer showing the same directory. And it occurs only in some directories. Anybody alse had this strange experience?

I never saw that happening. Is there anything special about those directories?

I am not sure, but it seems it happens since I've installed Acronis True Image 2013 ...

So, it´s the .tib files or something like that having no icons? Or the folders of Acronis?

If you can use ShellExView to get the GUIDs / CLSIDs of the True Image shell extensions, we'll add them to the built-in blacklist. They've caused enough different problems over the years (and don't do anything particularly useful), in both Opus and Explorer, that it's probably time we did that.

The GUID / CLSID will be a string of letters and numbers within {...}, or you could just save the list of everything from within ShellExView and send that to us, and we'll get the info that's needed from the list.

Is this what you are looking for?

Just for the record. I have True Image 2013 installed since it came out and I don't have this problem.

Installed 2013 after a fresh format. Not upgraded from 2012. Never had this problem with any version of True Image, upgraded or not.

[quote="ktbcrash"]Just for the record. I have True Image 2013 installed since it came out and I don't have this problem.

Installed 2013 after a fresh format. Not upgraded from 2012. Never had this problem with any version of True Image, upgraded or not.[/quote]

I even didn't have this problem before. But it seems it came out after installing Acronis True Image over Acronis True Image 2012.

No, these are other file-types. It seems having to do with the saved status of files backed up by Acronis True Image (where ATI adds a checkmark as overlay-icon to the normal icons). It seems that files which are not yet saved by ATI are afflicted by this, but I am not sure.

[quote="leo"]If you can use ShellExView to get the GUIDs / CLSIDs of the True Image shell extensions, we'll add them to the built-in blacklist. They've caused enough different problems over the years (and don't do anything particularly useful), in both Opus and Explorer, that it's probably time we did that.

The GUID / CLSID will be a string of letters and numbers within {...}, or you could just save the list of everything from within ShellExView and send that to us, and we'll get the info that's needed from the list.[/quote]

There are several Acronis Shell Extensions, and some also left over from ATI2012(!).

I will only enumerate those from ATI2013:

Type: Context Menu
Description: Acronis True Image Shell Extensions
Version: 16,0,0,5551
Filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Acronis\TrueImageHome\tishell64.dll
CLSID: {C539A15A-3AF9-4c92-B771-50CB78F5C751}
File Extensions: *, .tib, Drive, Folder, opensearchfilefolderresult, tibfile
File Attributes: A
File Size: 2.741.024

Type: Icon Overlay Handler
Description: Acronis True Image Shell Extensions
Version: 16,0,0,5551
File Name: C:\Program Files (x86)\Acronis\TrueImageHome\tishell64.dll
CLSID: {934BC6C0-FEC2-4df5-A100-961DE2C8A0ED}
File Attributes: A
File Size: 2.741.024

Type: Icon Overlay Handler
Description: Acronis True Image Shell Extensions
Version: 16,0,0,5551
File Name: C:\Program Files (x86)\Acronis\TrueImageHome\tishell64.dll
CLSID: {00F848DC-B1D4-4892-9C25-CAADC86A215D}
File Attributes: A
File Size: 2.741.024

Type: Icon Overlay Handler
Description: Acronis True Image Shell Extensions
Version: 16,0,0,5551
File Name: C:\Program Files (x86)\Acronis\TrueImageHome\tishell64.dll
CLSID: {71573297-552E-46fc-BE3D-3DFAF88D47B7}
File Attributes: A
File Size: 2.741.024

Ok, that's 1 difference. I don't do file backups. I do full disk image backups. Icon's don't get changed with full disk image backups.

Try right-clicking those extensions within ShellExView and telling it to disable them. See if that solves things. (You can enable them again in the same way if needed.)

You might need to reboot after disabling them to ensure the extensions aren't still loaded from earlier, and may need to clear the icon cache, too.

Ok, that's 1 difference. I don't do file backups. I do full disk image backups. Icon's don't get changed with full disk image backups.[/quote]

I also do only image backups. However, ATI2013 has these shell extensions installed. I also have the ATI2013 Plus Pack installed. Are these the same shell extensions with the same CLSIDs installed on your computer?

Plus Pack installed as well.
Those 4 CLSIDs are the same 4 that I have

Hi Leo!

I've found the real culprit: It is the Mozy Cloud Backup client which has 3 Icon Overlay Handlers. Here are the CLSIDs:




Please add these to the DOpus built-in blacklist.

Please confirm that you got this information.


If you enable them again in ShellExView, and then add them to Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced: ignore_context_menus (as shown below), does the problem stay fixed?

That will have the same result as changing the internal blacklist, but I'm not sure if the blacklist will help with icon problems, as Opus does not talk to shell extensions directly when requesting icons (it just asks Windows for the icon). It might still solve things, though (depending on where the problem really is), so give it a try and let us know.

Do I have to restart Opus or Windows for possibly seeing the effect?

I tried this, but it does not work, even after restarting Windows.

The only thing which works is disabling those 3 Mozy Client Shell Extensions (Mozy Icon Overlay Handlers, not Context Menu Handlers) in ShellExView and then Windows must be restarted.

However, the problem arises only in Directory Opus. In Windows Explorer the icons don't have any problems, even with the above Shell Extensions enabled.
So I wonder if something could be done in Opus to avoid this.

Thanks for trying that.

I think you'll need to disable the Mozy shell extension via ShellExView as that's the only way to prevent a shell extension from being involved when icons are requested. We don't have a way to blacklist that type of shell extension as we don't call them directly.

Without the source-code to the shell extension, I doubt there is much we can do about it going wrong on the Opus side. Opus just asks Windows to supply it with the icon for each file, via a very simple API, and it's Windows that talks to shell extensions and finds the right icon. Whatever is going wrong seems to be happening within the Mozy shell extension, which to us is a black box in another room.

I have been struggling with this issue for some time, on random files and folders, and I could not find any thing they had in common. I have both a laptop and desktop that are configured very similarly. I only experience the problem on the laptop. Often it was on a folder or files in the start menu, after installing a new application. The odd thing I discovered was that if I moved the files to a new location, the problem would persist. But if I copied them the icons would show up. Then I could move them back to the original location, and the icons would remain. I tried a number of things to resolve, but eventually gave up.

Today I started using the Sync tool in Acronis True Image (which I've been using for years to do backups) to sync folders between my laptop and desktop. As soon as the sync started, all the icons for the folder (and it's contents) on the laptop disappeared. If I refresh the folder, they appear momentarily. If I copy or move the folders to a different location, they appear. Move them back, and they disappear.

In an attempt to fix the issue, I did a backup of my configuration and uninstalled Opus on my laptop. After reinstalling, I restored my configuration from backup and to my surprise, all the missing icons were present. But when my Favorites were not working correctly, I realized I accidentally restored the backup from my desktop. So, I did another restore from the proper backup, and the icons are again missing. Just to prove a point, I did another restore of the desktop config to the laptop, and the icons returned. I also tried restoring the laptop config to the desktop, and the icons showed up, but with a large, grey 'X' on them.

This leads me to believe there is something in the configuration of Opus that is causing the issue.

Any ideas?