I installed King of Da Click's configuration and really found some useful buttons through the interface, but I prefer my own setup better. One such feature was to take the contents of a folder and move it up one level to the parent folder which then automatically deleted the original folder.
Is there a way to take that button/function and import it into my Opus configuration, or is this something that I would have to do through the preferences? Hope that's clear. Thanks.
It would depend on whether the button relies on other components (e.g. user commands) in the KODC configuration. You can have a look at the button definition in Customize mode. If it does not have any dependencies you can drag (in Customize mode) to your desktop to create a .dcf (button) file. After you restore you own configuration you can drag (in Customize mode) the .dcf on to a tool bar.
Thank you very much. Another question, if you don't mind please. As far as I can tell, the KODC configuration doesn't have a file that I can get into unless I use it to overwrite my current configuration entirely. Is there a way to extract the .dcf by itself from his config?
Using the above logic did not work when I tried it because after I went back to my current configuration (a modified version of the playful toolbars) I couldn't find the KODC toolbars anywhere.
Thanks again and appreciate the help on these basic questions!
It appears that I answered my own question and used 7zip to extract the files. The only difference is that the files appear to have the extension ".dop" and not ".dcf"
With the KODC configuration in play, go into customise mode and drag the button you are interested in to your desktop. This will create a .dcf file which is essentially a saved button definition. Now revert to your normal configuration and go into customise mode then drag the saved .dcf from your desktop onto one of your toolbars. When you leave customise mode you will have the KODC button wherever you put it. You might want to create a test toolbar as a target especially if you want to copy several KODC buttons.
Okay, thank you guys for the help and support. Dopus has become my favorite past time. I just need to start reading the manual because I'm spending hours poking around with stuff and not understanding how it works or making real headway. Despite that I have to say the experience is engrossing and nothing has changed my use of my computer more than this program. Dear Opus' playful theme followed by KODC have helped me immensely.
I use my computer for managing an extensive folder system of work related documents, videos and other media which is now way more organized than ever but I am always trying to improve. I use Dropbox mostly to sync between multiple computers and am a teacher so constantly creating new documents which often are very similar. Little things like the viewer are a life saver when comparing or trying to sync things.
Anyway, just an anecdote to say I'm loving the program and appreciate the help! Surprised Microsoft hasn't tried to buy you guys by now, but then that would make too much sense...!