Prefs LAYOUTLIST not relative

I can't get the LAYOUTMOUSERELATIVE aspect of this to work...


It moves to the monitor that is stored with the layout, rather than staying in the current monitor.

Have I missed something?

LAYOUTNOVIRTDESKTOP=yes is what stops that.

I've tried both of these and each individually... LAYOUTNOVIRTDESKTOP=yes LAYOUTMOUSERELATIVE=yes. Neither makes any difference.

Looking a little deeper, I've noticed that when you save a layout, you get less options in that requester than you do in the Edit Layout requester from Prefs. In particular, I see there's a "Restore each Lister to its original virtual desktop" option, that isn't in the save requester. I didn't save with that on (cuz there's no option for it), but they are turned on when view in Edit Layout.

I'm not quite sure what the virtual desktop is vs the monitor the mouse is on... something I need to explorer in the documentation more. My multiple monitors are actual desktop, not virtual.

Regardless, when I turned off the restore virtual option in the requester that didn't resolve the issue either. Screenshot shows the setup before I did this.

The monitors are 4 and 5 on top... and 1,2,3 along the bottom. No matter what I do here, if I open Layout "1" on monitor 4, and then tell it to change to Layout "2"... it jumps to monitor 2. I want it to stay on the monitor it is on, just change it's position. The Layouts 1,2,3 are the monitor divided into 3 columns, left, center, right.

My mistake, I misunderstood.

Don't you just want Prefs LAYOUTLIST LAYOUTTHISLISTER=size without the pos?

If I change from 2 (middle third) to 1+2 (left two thirds in dual), it needs to change the size as well as the position. That part works. I sort of think I shouldn't need to indicate size,pos at all, cuz changing from one layout to the other already contains the size/pos in the alternate layout.

This method is also a good way to switch a lister back to the size it was saved as, when sometimes I stretch it or shrink for a particular task temporarily. Now, I can just select the same lister layout as itself, and it alters itself back.

By the way... removing LAYOUTNOVIRTDESKTOP=yes and LAYOUTMOUSERELATIVE=yes, is the same as having either one of them.

I see what you mean. I was expecting it to keep the resized window on-screen but it doesn't.

We should be able to make LAYOUTMOUSERELATIVE and LAYOUTTHISLISTER work together. I've added it to the list.

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