Print Folder Not Showing Labels

Hey guys,

Bit of background... I am a draftsman and wish to have a certain sort hierarchy based on drawing type (which is determined by file name - more specifically... characters within the file name).

I am using label filters to assign a type of "Index Label" to each file, then I am sorting by label.

This all works well for the folder display itself:

But when I attempt the PRINT FOLDER, the custom sort order is not maintained, and the 'Label' column is blank.

Print Folder command:

Print FOLDER=selected  AS=tab TO=clip QUIET FLATVIEW=mixed

Print Folder result:

What would be the reason for this? Any possible solution, or better method to achieve what I am trying to do?

Thanks a lot for any help.

Ps: I should add... Windows 8 x64, DOpus 12.16

Just did some more testing... there seems to be a few aspects affecting how this works (or why it doesn't work).

To try to put it as simply as possible, here is a summary/breakdown of the combination of conditions that looks like are critical:

A - Labels assigned manually
B - Labels assigned automatically (using Label Filters)
C - Sort by any column except Label
D - Sort by Label

A + C = working
A + D = not working
B + C or D = not working

I wish to get B + D working.

Example 1 (A/B + C):


Example 2 (A/B + D):


Anyone played with this before?

I think at the moment the Print/Export Folder code will only read labels that are explicitly applied to files, and won't calculate labels that come from wildcards/filters/etc. Something that we may improve in the future.

Hey Leo, thanks for the reply.

No problem at all - looks like that is the case.

Thanks for confirming.

This should work better in the new beta: Directory Opus 12.16.3 (Beta)

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Awesome, thanks a lot Leo.