Printable (or downloadable) version of forum page

Request: I wish the forum pages offered a "format for printing" version which would be cleaner for printing (or downloading). Mostly I'd like to save a copy of the forum pages containing instructions for the scripts I'm downloading, and "save as html" (using Firefox) seems to choke (i.e., downloads some, but opening that it's just blank). TY.

I don't know if Firefox is the same but Chrome can print to a PDF file.

Indeed, chrome can print to pdf, although firefox can't. And it looks like chrome printing to pdf gives a reasonable output. TY.

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Firefox can print to PDF.

Press CTRL + P
Then select the destination
Save to PDF

My error! I don't know when firefox snuck in the pdf target; last I'd looked only Chrome had that. Thanks.

There's a Microsoft Print-to-PDF driver standard in Windows these days as well.