Problem button - open dual and copy

Can anyone tell me why the following button only works if the lister is displaying the Desktop or 'My Computer'. Any other folder being displayed causes a dialog box asking for the Destination Folder. I have tried using the alternatives of both Layouts and Styles, as well as OPENINDEST, OPENINDUAL, and 'sync:dopusrt /cmd' to no avail.


Copy MLN Pics
Copy from CF to ArchComm

Go "E:\Data & Downloads\Data\Photos\ArchComm" OPENINRIGHT
Go "E:\Flash CF I&II\DC260_01" OPENINLEFT
Select *.jpg RESELECT
Copy AS "mln{date|yyMMdd}.jpg" WHENEXISTS=rename

I can certainly accomplish my purpose with 2 buttons, one to display 'My Computer' and the other as shown above, but one button would be nice. Adding the command to display 'My Computer' to the begining of the button does not help. Maybe some kind of timing problem?

Thanks for your help.


You button code above has been modified by the posting process.

Either disable HTML in your post, and repost your button code. Or just copy-and-paste the code, not the entire button.

Thanks. HOpe this works better.

<?xml version="1.0"?> {6B7F305A-4180-4468-A9BB-9A8456944F79} Copy MLN Pics Copy from CF to ArchComm 84 Go "E:\Data & Downloads\Data\Photos\ArchComm" OPENINRIGHT Go "E:\Flash CF I&II\DC260_01" OPENINLEFT Select *.jpg RESELECT Copy AS "mln{date|yyMMdd}.jpg" WHENEXISTS=rename Delete NORECYCLE


"Copy as" seems to want to have the source and destinations paths established before the Opus commands preceding it are executed. To get around this, you might try restructuring your commands to be similar to the ones below (you will need to change the "N:" and "D:\test folder" paths I used to the ones you want).

Go N:\ DUALPATH "d:\test folder"
Select PATTERN=*.jpg
dopusrt /cmd Copy AS "mln{date|yyMMdd}.jpg" WHENEXISTS=rename MOVE

Thanks John.

Works like a charm. I'm not sure I understand why my use of dopusrt in all lines didn't fix the problem, but putting it only on the Copy As line works.
