Problem Creating Button

Have a look at Formatting tips specific to the Opus forum as it will help you post commands without losing characters. I fixed your post above so that the \ characters were not being removed in places.

Copy FILE "D:\*.* TO P:\Old-CD\!D-Temp Folder" OPENINRIGHT

The path you're giving to your FILE argument starts with a quote but doesn't end with one.

The path you're going to your TO argument ends with a quote but doesn't start with one.

It should look like this:

Copy FILE "D:\*.*" TO "P:\Old-CD\!D-Temp Folder" OPENINRIGHT

The start of your command is also a bit strange:

Go PATH="P:\Old-CD\!D-Temp Folder" OPENINRIGHT
Go "P:\Old-CD\!D-Temp Folder" OPENINLEFT

There's no reason to open D:\ on the left in the first line, then open another folder on the left in the third line. One of those lines must be there by mistake.

(Note that the Copy line will work on its own without having to go to either folder, since it's specifying the paths to copy from and to. You only need the lines before it if you also want to look at what's happening in the folders when you click the button.)