Problem with 13.5

I have installed 13 - and the later versions, today 13.5. It eats up all my memory. I've never had this problem after many years of using Opus. I bought version 13, is there some way I can revert to 12?

You can download older versions of Opus 12 and 13 here:

Memory leaks are usually caused by shell extensions something else has installed, rather than Opus itself. This guide explains how to track down the cause, and see if it's Opus or something else. (If it is Opus, please use File > Save within the VMMap tool send the output to us for analysis.)

Thankyou so much Leo!!! I have download 12 and have it installed. I can at least get cuaght up with my work for now. :slight_smile: I don't realzie how much i use this program until I'm without it Thank you

I will try checking for the leaks when my time is a little freer. Have to get this project done now. Thanks again!