Problem with Image in Dialog Boxes

I have been playing successfully with displaying images in dialog boxes. All went well until I tried to display a third image in a dialog box that already had two images in in. Try as I might I could never get the third image to display. I created this very simple dialog to display three images in a dialog box. If you amend the code with your own images you will see that instead of displaying third image it displays its path.

BTW all the images are present and are all valid. As individual images they all display in dialog boxes. I think, perhaps, on this rare occasion, the problem may not be my clumsy fingers.

[code]Function OnClick(ByRef clickData)
If clickData.func.sourcetab.selected_files.count = 0 Then
Msgbox "Nothing is selected",1, "NO FILE SELECTED"
End If

Set dlg = clickData.func.Dlg
dlg.template = "testo"
dlg.detach = true
dlg.x = 2750
dlg.y = 1000
dlg.icon = "info"
retval = Dlg.Show

If Cancel = true Then
Unload Me
End If
dlg.control("static1").label = "D:\Opus Pics\mp3.jpg"
dlg.control("static2").label = "D:\Opus Pics\PC.jpg"
dlg.control("static3").label = "D:\Opus Pics\flac.jpg"

Set Msg = Dlg.GetMsg()

Loop While Msg
End Function


Look at the XML for the three controls at the bottom of your post.

The top two lines do not line up with the bottom line.

What is different about them?

That looks like the answer. (static3 is not set to show images)

Now who's fool?
Sorry to have troubled you Leo, but I looked at that code till my eyes ached and never spotted the obvious. It just shows the value of a fresh pair of eyes on a problem.