Problems in creating my own Lister style

In an earlier post I was dismayed by the absence of a Lister style which reverted to the original 3-pane default display on installation.

Thanks to the help of you guys I created my own style (Preferences > Layouts & Styles > Styles > New) titled Original (for want of a better word), setting File Display to Dual Vertical and Folder Tree to Single. It works and I respectfully suggest this should be included with the installer, to help beginners recover from their mistakes.

However, after comparing this with a default re-creation (done by following aussieboykie's suggestion here), I notice that in my new default, the Lister Configuration menu shows only the top block, namely the Folder Tree, Status Bar and Metadata Pane (but not Commander, Dual Horizontal, etc.). Can someone please tell me where the switch is that turns the styles list on/off, in case I need to reinstall DO later and can't find it?

The other thing that puzzles me is that in Preferences > Layouts & Styles > Styles > New, all the installed styles have attributes such as Viewer Pane, Meta Pane, etc. checked but set to Off. I left them all unchecked and it doesn't seem to make any difference at all. Why were they checked? Was this just to make users more aware of them, or does it serve some extra purpose?


This is what an Opus 10 default lister looks like, with the relevant menu button clicked to show where the various styles can be found.

Regards, AB

Thanks AB, but for some reason my default Lister only displays this:

This is really puzzling. Since my customized version does not have this fault, it doesn't stop me from using DO. At the worst, I could reinstall DO, I guess. Maybe Leo or Jon can suggest something.

You've either deleted all of your Styles (in which case the list in Preferences / Layouts and Styles / Styles would also be empty) or you have edited the menu and removed the Lister Styles item from it (you can add it back via Settings -> Customize Toolbars; use the filter at the bottom of the Commands tab to find it).

Or simply reset your toolbars to the defaults.

If you are prone to accidentally changing the toolbars, create copies of them and edit those instead. Then you can always refer back to the defaults if you need to, and you can also reset the default toolbars (e.g. if you modify the defaults by accident) without losing your own copies.

Taking the Viewer Pane as an example, when you select a Style it can do three things to the pane:

  • Force it on.
  • Force it off.
  • Leave it how it is.

If the Style has something unchecked, it leaves that thing alone.

Here is the Lister Styles button in Customized > Edit mode:

It all seems OK to me.

That looks fine.

What's in Preferences / Layouts and Styles / Styles?

(Another possibility is you've set all the styles to be hidden, which will also be apparent from the style list in Preferences.)

Thanks a lot Leo for your detailed reply, which I missed while making my last post. Yes it makes sense. Will check out all your suggestions and post back.

Leo said (above):

Somehow or other, that's what happened. :frowning:

Resetting to default didn't work either. At this point, reinstallation was the quickest solution and restored everything.

Now I keep a double backup of all settings.

Thanks again guys for your help.