Problems when selecting picture

Wen I somtimes selecct pictures, my computre often freezes in DO and after a few seconds the picture below appears. Can I turn off this setting anywhere?

Windows 8.1
DO version 11.7 64bit

Please upload a sample picture which triggers that, so we can try to reproduce it.

Here is a picture. But it happens radomly

[removed file as it's no longer needed and was causing layout probs]

What you're seeing is the tooltip for hovering over the file (not the viewer), which seems to be taking a long time to display and then be dismissed due to the extremely long comment in the file's metadata.

The comment is all those numbers. Removing it using the metadata panel leaves the file working normally.

It's possible the comment isn't intended to be there and is the result of something strange about how the EXIF data is formatted. It's not being shown by Explorer and Photoshop, but I'm not sure why yet. We'll look into that. But for now, you can fix the file by changing/setting a comment on it.

We'll have a workaround for this in the next version, so the excessive comment data is ignored. (We already had this for one manufacturer's EXIF data. Looks like more than one does the same thing. I'm guessing other software has a similar check, which is why they were not showing the value.)