Procedure Entry Point Errors After Upgrading to 12

I'm getting procedure entry point errors after upgrading to version 12. There were two that popped up during Windows loading after the install reboot. Now when I try to start DirOpus manually from the start menu I get this error:

?SumToString@Hash@@... could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopus.exe

The two errors that popped while Windows was loading were in dopusrt.dll

I'm running Windows 10 Anniversary Update.

Try installing it again, and then reboot before attempting to run it.

I did get a cannot create file that already exists error during the second install but I ignored it and the install completed. I checked the file date on the file (dopus.exe) and it was recent so I assumed it was already replaced on the first install. After the reboot DirOpus started with Windows and is now working perfectly.

You had me at 4K monitor support! Everything else is icing on the cake. :slight_smile: