PSB files shown in Viewer Pane but not in Viewer


I'm a designer and I often work with PSD and PSB files from Photoshop. I can preview the PSD files in Opus's standalone viewer and in the viewer pane. However, I can't seem to get the PSB files to open in the viewer. It just skips over them. What's weird is that I can preview them just fine in the viewer pane.

I've tried searching the settings and the forums but haven't managed to figure this one out on my own. If anyone has any suggestions I'd be very grateful. Thank you!

You probably need to associate .psb files with the viewer via "Open with...".

Thanks for the suggestion.

It does work if I use this "Open with" method. I have even set it to open all files of this type with the viewer by default.

However, I still can't get it to open by double-clicking on the file. When I do that the viewer opens but it displays the next available image file in the same folder. Also, while in the viewer if I use the "Next/previous image" buttons, I can cycle through the files, but it completely skips over the .PSB file.

I checked the settings and I already have activated the option to "Use internal picture viewer for all recognized pictures". I have also added the PSB extension to the "Images" file type group in the File Types settings dialog. I don't know what else to try.

I need to have a look at the code but if this isn't configurable then we should be able to make it so.

We've made a change to include PSB files in the viewer's next/previous image list. Should be in the next beta.

That's great, thank you for your help!

Would this also fix the double click issue?

Yes, I forgot to mention that.