I've been using Directory Opus Lite for a while and like it very much. Recently, I've helped a client make the jump (to the lite) version as well. Everything has been working well for both of us.
My client (I am in web design) is interested in having me setup a method where they can enter a folder with images from their camera, automatically create a second empty folder (within the first), enter that second folder in the 2nd Lister viewport, and then have the first lister viewport automatically resize images (already in first folder) and save them in the second, newly created folder with the click of a single button.
I have tried to show him how to do all of this by hand but he is a roofer by trade and not particularly tech savvy.
So, my question is simply: if I upgrade him (and myself I suppose) to the professional version is such a script possible?
Thank you for the quick response, it is appreciated.
The resize would be along the lines of a specific fixed width and then have the height calculated automatically to preserve the aspect ratio.
I have noticed that it may be possible to request a trial of the Directory Opus Professional version from within my copy of the light version. Is that trial still available if I had used the demo before purchasing? I didn't really test or look into the more full featured aspects of the software (no need to) before buying it.
If the built-in option doesn't work, drop an email to sales@gpsoft.com.au and they should be able to fix you up with a Pro trial that extends the evaluation period.
Change the first line for the output path you want.
Then go into a folder with images. Click the button and it will convert all .png, .jpg, and .jpeg files into .jpg in the specified folder, resizing to 500 wide and preserving the aspect ratio (unless they're already under 500 wide, then it will leave the images alone).
You don't need to select the files first; just be in the folder and click the button.
The Image command page has info on the arguments you can use when converting images, in case you need to change things slightly.