Questions and Requests

  1. Is it possible to save a Layout with one pane in flat view mode?

  2. Can an option be added so when you FTP files, the timestamp of the FTP'd files would match the original files?

  3. For Advanced Selection can the Date criteria be modified to handle hours?

[quote]1) Is it possible to save a Layout with one pane in flat view mode?[/quote]Seems to work fine here. Did you try and find problems?

[quote]2) Can an option be added so when you FTP files, the timestamp of the FTP'd files would match the original files?[/quote]Timestamps on downloaded files match. I'm not sure if Opus tried to set the timestamps on uploaded files, but I'm pretty sure if it does it will only work on some FTP servers, since most FTP servers don't support the command that allows you to set the date/time on files.

[quote]3) For Advanced Selection can the Date criteria be modified to handle hours?[/quote]Use the Time criteria instead. (Note "Date/Time"; "Time")

  1. Hmm, could've sworn it didn't work the first time I tried it but it's fine now.

  2. Thanks, missed that.

It's going to take some time learning everything DOpus can do.