Quick Access items keep disappearing

Running dopus 13.10 in Windows 10.
In the past few weeks, I've noticed that folders that I manually add to Quick Access are disappearing from that list. I'm just left with the default quick access folders. I've trouble shot by selecting a folder, right clicking and selecting Add to Quick Access, and after a reboot or two, the folder is removed from QA again. I did try deleting the QA folder as suggested in some posts that diagnosed a corrupt qa folder, but the behavior continues. Any ideas?

Have you noticed that since what version (13.5, 6, etc)?

Unfortunately, I don't remember. I usually update pretty promptly, and I noticed the problem within the last few weeks, so it's a recent release that caused the problem.

Do they show in the list for regular windows explorer? Wondering if it's an issue with windows

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Is the same true in File Explorer? (Edit: Typing at the same time ThioJoe posted a similar question.)

Quick Access is a list that Windows maintains; Opus just gets the list of folders from the OS, and can add of remove from it when asked to, but doesn’t modify it automatically.

It’s also possible you’re looking at something else like the Smart Favorites list and not Quick Access itself. A screenshot of the list and where it appears might help us see exactly what it is.

I'll be sure to check file explorer next time I lose my QA folders. I just rebooted and everything remained stable, so I can't reproduce the issue at the moment. Thanks for your input and quick response!

OK, I can confirm that the issue has occurred again, and it happens in file explorer too, so I see that it is not a Dopus problem, it's a Windows problem. I guess I need to look elsewhere for help... which I have done, but still can't find a good solution! So, if anyone can steer me in a good direction, please do, otherwise I guess that this forum is a dead end. Thanks for reading and helping out!

if broken already, it might help to reset then rebuild it. It's a pain in the butt, but that windows.

I've found this can help at times when windows is doing random crap, same goes for the system index, if its not searching what you know is there, wipe it and rebuild.

I reinstalled windows everything 6 months to keep it smooth.