I'm looking for a hotkey that allows to store the current folder that can be restored later by another hotkey. I know such quick-push/pop operations from other tools and I really like this kind of navigation. Unfortunately I haven't found any solution yet in DO 9.1.
Should be do-able with a bit of VBScript glue but I haven't found the time to think about it properly. I'm sure someone made a button/script to do push/pop of at least one directory but I can't seem to find it in the forums. It would've been a few years ago now...
Anyway, there's no built-in push/pop functionality but it could be done by passing the current path to a VBScript (or similar) which adds it to a stack (stored in env-vars or a file) or, when told to pop, tells Opus to change folders by using dopusrt.exe /cmd Go PATH=""