Quick Renumbering

I do a lot of renumbering MP3 files from audiobooks to go onto my MP3 player, and I go through the following operations with the files:-
"Select All", "Rename", "Number Files". I then use "Sequential Numbering" to rename the files.
Sometimes the books can have more than 15 disks so it's quite tedious to go through this with each disk.
To speed things up I've put "Select All" and "Rename" on a toolbar but is there a way I could put the "Sequential Files" command on a toolbar so I can go to:-
"Select All", "Sequential Files", so the "Rename" dialogue box comes up and I can then choose what number the files renumber from.
Please take into account I'm a Dopus Doofus but, any help will be appreciated.

Here's some code you can paste into a new button. It will select all the files in the view, ask you for a starting index (defaulting to 1) for the rename, and then rename all the items.

@set startindex {dlgstringS|Enter start number|1}
Select ALL
Rename AUTORENAME PATTERN * TO NUMBER {$startindex} BY 1

I tried doing what MrC recommended and as a straight remumbering solution it worked, but it strips the .mp3 file extension from all of the files. Is there a way around this please?

Sorry, I thought you wanted a complete rename including extension. Use this instead:

@set startindex {dlgstringS|Enter start number|1}
Select ALL
Rename AUTORENAME NUMBER {$startindex} BY 1 PATTERN "..(.)$" TO "[#].\1" REGEXP

Rename PATTERN "(.).(.)" TO "[#].\2" REGEXP NUMBER {$startindex} BY 1
might work.

But to solve your Problem using "flat view" could be the better/easier solution.
just check the sorting of the files carefully before renaming them in Flat view, I messed it up once or twice :-/

Many thanks MrC,
I changed it to the code in your second post and it worked perfectly.
Thanks again,