Raw Command for Backup & Restore?

Hi just wondering if there's some kind of RAW command I can add to Backup & Restore to help speed up the process.

It normally takes 9 clicks, excluding the extra click needed to confirm overwriting an earlier backup made the same day. By adding a B&R button to a toolbar I've reduced the number of clicks to 7, but seem to have reached a limit here. I just want this button to Backup, not Restore, and only display an error msg if it can't find the backup folder or something like that.

Searched forum and Help file with no results so far.

Your advice much appreciated.

You can make a custom button that backs up your Opus configuration pretty much any way you want it to. For example here is the one I use which with one push, backs up my configuration without any prompts using the current date as part of the file name. If I run the backup again a second time in one day, it automatically overwrites the previous backup.

Thanks John, that's perfect for what I need!

I was wondering where you got all the correct syntax from as all I could find in the v9 manual was BACKUPRESTORE/S, but now I find that on clicking Advanced... in the button editor and following all the syntax trails, the args are all listed there. Thanks for saving me the hard work of doing that.

Me too! Thanks John.

This is a older post but I wanted to add to the info here.
I've been working on the same type of backup button that would NOT delete the previous backup made on the same day.
I incorporated the time into the file name. I had to use a semicolon between the hour and minute since a colon would not work.

Prefs BACKUP=all TO D:/Backup/Opus/"Opus Default {date|MM-dd-yyyy} Time {time|HH;mm}" Quiet
