Recent Locations for new lister

I would like to be able to show all recent locations when I open a new lister.

I know I can access individual recent locations from the recent locations menu, however, that is not what I want. I want the lister to display all recent locations when I open a new lister.

In other words, when I open a new lister, all recent locations should be displayed in the lister without having to first click on a menu. That way, when I open a new lister I can simply click the relevant recent location I want to go to without first accessing a menu for recent locations.

Can that be done?

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Set up the lister with the recent locations and make it the new default with Set As Default Lister.

the problem is that I can't find a way to go to recent locations. If you type "Recent Locations" into the location bar, it tries to open it as a sub directory of Dopus under program files, but the folder does not exist

I see... you mean the Recent entry in the folder tree (or the F4 dropdown in the location bar), right?

These paths are stored in

/dopuslocaldata\State Data\recent.osd

I don't think they are available anywhere else. You would need a script that reads the paths and turns them into a collection. This collection could then be part of your default lister.

There is also the alias /recent and the command Recent, but both will show different recent items.

That's right, I would like to display the entries in the recent.osd xml file in the lister.

Maybe someone on the forum knows how to write a script to pull that into a script and display it in a lister, unless someone else knows of an easier way to achieve this?

The /recent alias displays recent files access. I only want to display a list of recent locations as contained in the recent.osd file

You could show the list on a toolbar, if that helps. (Vertical and horizontal are both possible.)

There isn’t currently an easy way to show the list in the file display, but we’ll add that to our to-do list. It definitely makes sense, especially for a starting folder. Good idea.


Hi Leo,

Great to hear that. I specifically want it as a starting folder as I do not want a toolbar for it.

Hope this can be implemented before version 14 :grinning:

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Here's a little script that will create a collection.

RecentToCollection (Create a collection from Recent folders)


@Ixp you are the man!!!

Thank you. That is exactly what I wanted :+1:

I installed the script too, thanks for that. :grinning:

And very good suggestions and hope it will be built in soon as well.

Hi @Ixp

I have noticed when I open a new lister, the list does not show the updated recent locations list in the file display but the one that was created when I saved the lister as the default.

Is there a way to run the command to fetch the items from the recent.osd file when you open a new lister and display that?

Yes, the Preferences / Launching Opus section lets you run this command, e.g.

You could also universally run the script with the OnOpenLister event.

The best solution depends on how you launch a lister, what's in your default lister, and the Layouts and Styles that might be involved.


Thanks @Ixp,

I created an OnOpenLister event with some trial and error and got it working. The recent locations now show updated in the filepane no matter where I open dopus from.

Thanks for all your help :slight_smile: