Recents Preserved

Anytime I close out my open Dopus lister it purges the recent lists in my back/forward buttons.

Could it not do that? If I have to go back to where I was, I just lost my recents.
(I use a fresh default lister on opening). So could you make a 'save recents for x amount of time' plz.

The back/forward history list is per window/tab. If you close a window/tab and open a new one, there is no history in the new window/tab until you change folders in it.

The actual recent list is global and shared by all windows/tabs, but that isn’t what the back/forward buttons work with.

I didn't realize that the 'Locations' bar has a drop down menu that stores recents, preserving them, sorry.

Mostly out of curiosity, how do you get that arrow at the beginning of the Location Bar?

That's just the Downloads folder's icon.

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The drop down arrow is actually on the right of that box, but I cropped the pic shorter to save space.
I actually made a recents button too (above the path word 'Users' in the pic), but had forgot about it.