Regarding the folder formats, this seems to be a bug

I set up three path formats: D:\Image, D:\Music, and D:\Video, and they have their own column headers.

In "Local Drive" and "Use Default Settings", the display mode is detail, and "Include column headers from other formats" is not checked.

After using any folder format in the Favorites in any local path that has no folder format, go to D:\Image, switch to thumbnail mode, and then switch back to detail mode.

After that, when you go to any local path that has no folder formatting set, the column headers will still be the same as for “D:\Image”, The settings in "Local Drive" and "Use Default Settings" do not work.(The same is true for D:\Music and D:\Video.)

Also, if you go to D:\Image, switch to thumbnail mode, then switch back to detail mode, then switch back to thumbnail mode, and then go to any local path that has no folder formatting, it will also display in thumbnail mode.

I can't confirm. Columns change as expected. I might have misunderstood the instructions, though.

Yes, thumbnail mode will not be switched off by a simple folder change. It's a useful feature, IMO.

After changing folders, hover over the status bar’s info icon (or lock icon, depending on config) to find out where the current format comes from. That solves most mysteries.

Also, always test in a new window if you’ve just made changes in an old window, to ensure temporary changes local to the window aren’t complicating things. (More detail on that in the folder format faqs.)

The point is, in folders like d:\Music, if you don't switch between thumbnail and detail mode, the column headers won't change when you go to the new path.

Here is my operation process:

  1. Open a new window,
  2. go d:\temp, column headers:( default format ), the status bar's info icon Tips: ( User default format )
  3. use Favorites format:image. ( If this operation is not performed, the following operations will not have any problems. )
  4. go d:\Music, column headers:( music format ), info icon Tips: ( User default format + User editing + path "d:\Music" format )
  5. go d:\temp, column headers:( image format ), info icon Tips: ( User editing )
  6. go d:\Music, Set VIEW=Thumbnails and Set VIEW=Details
  7. go d:\temp, column headers:( music format ), info icon Tips: ( User editing )
  8. go d:\Video, Set VIEW=Thumbnails and Set VIEW=Details
  9. go d:\temp, column headers:( Video format ), info icon Tips: ( User editing )

There are a couple of questions:
In step 4, why is it "User default format + User editing + path d: \ Music format", instead of just "path d: \ Music format", and they look no different from just "path d: \ Music format"?
In step 5、7、9,Why not "Favorites format:image" or "User default format" or "Use Default Settings"?

As soon as you make manual changes within a tab/window, it complicates things. But you can use the menu item which resets the current folder to its normal format (i.e. the one you'd get if you opened a new window and went to the folder without making any ad-hoc changes).

The detailed folder format FAQ covers how it all works in depth.

Thank you very much for your reply! :smile: