RegEx parsing syntax highlight error in JScript editor?

RegEx literals like /^\w+:\/\// render as ending with a comment, even though the second to last slash is escaped.
AFAICT, this doesn't interfere with the actual running of the script.
Capture 2024-08-06 14-43-53
Compare to the visually correctly indicated highlighting in VS Code, for example:
Capture 2024-08-06 14-46-53

Is there something that can be done about this, or is the script editor a boxed-up component by Microsoft?

The editor’s syntax highlighting rules aren’t advanced enough to handle all of JScript’s syntax, with regex in particular. Not sure there is a short-term solution.

Maybe some kind of preprocessor?
Just something to maybe keep on the backburner for when y'all get bored :stuck_out_tongue:

When this occured to me, I ended up building the regexp via new RegExp(string).