Release date?

Is there a planned release date for DOpus 13 yet? Or even an approximate timeframe? Thanks.

Thank you. I'm not using the beta but I will definitely be buying 13 when it goes GA.

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Why does it show that there is no new certificate after I follow the operation, and it is useless to open an agent

What's the expiry date on your certificate? If it's in January, it's already up-to-date.

Certificate is December 31, update program shows no need to upgrade certificate, because the network connection is not on the server reason

That sounds like the program update checker. Go to Help > Licence Manager instead to update the certificate.

You can also re-download it via the website if updating it in-program isn't working (e.g. no direct internet connection).

Maybe I didn't make it clear, I just updated it through the certificate management page, but it did show that there were no certificates to upgrade. I was in China and others seemed to be in the same situation as me. Does redownloading from a website mean redownloading certificates from a website and then importing them?


Thank you very much. I did it. It was great.