Rename - Batch Rename Files

I have 10 files on the right lister and want to paste the file names on 10 files on the left lister. I'm using F2 per file to copy and paste. Is there a faster way to bulk rename?

Select the files on the left-hand side and use Edit -> Copy File Names to copy them to the clipboard.

Then select the files on the right-hand side, click the Rename button in the toolbar, and use the Paste new names from clipboard command in the Clipboard drop-down menu at the bottom of the Rename dialog.


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Is it possible to make a button for the "Paste new names from clipboard" option?
Edit: I use this a lot :sweat_smile:

The From Clipboard or File v4.0 rename script/preset may be what you're looking for.

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Thanks, Leo! You are the best :grin:

For reference: Rename PRESET="New names from clipboard"