I am sure this has been handled, but I could not locate it here, so I appologize in advance for this question.
I wanted to use the Rename dialog to delete the first few characters of some file names. My reading of the manual indicates that the ? character should match any character in the Find and Replace mode. When I enter ?, it is disallowed by DOpus.
I resolved the problem by using a regular expression, and I would still like to understand how to use Find and Replace.
(At least in general. There might be special cases where they each do something slightly different.)
If you want to match any-single-character (rather than zero-or-more-characters) then I think you have to use a . in a Regular Expression rename.
You can't use the ? wildcard in a Wildcard rename, only the * wildcard. (Although in other parts of Opus which use wildcards, like filter boxes, you can use the ? wildcard.)
You cannot have a ? character in a (Windows) filename so it would never be found in an existing filename and could never be inserted into a new filename.
Same reason you can't do a Find & Replace on : or \
I'm not sure why you can type a * into a Find & Replace rename, though. That's probably an oversight as * isn't a legal character in filenames either. I'll file a bug report on that.