Rename/Focus bug

I think I found a bug in DOpus but wanted to see if people can duplicate it before I send in a report. It appears to be a focus/selection bug that causes the wrong file to be affected after a rename operation. Here's how I made it happen:

It seems to work in List, Small Icons, Large Icons, and Tiles views. Details and Power mode do not exhibit it.

The option "Automatically Sort new and Modified Files" must be turned on.

To cause the bug:

  1. Right click any file in one of the views I mentioned. Rename it in such a way that it will be moved after being renamed (IE, if you are sorting alphabetically, change the first letter so that it will move somewhere else in the file list after being renamed).

  2. After the rename, the lister will be auto-sorted to reflect the new order. The file you just renamed will still have the black highlight focus, but a dotted box will appear around the file which preceded the one you renamed before the sort.

  3. If you now right-click the black highlighted file (the one you previously renamed) and click rename again, the file in the dotted box (NOT the selected one) will go into rename mode.

This only seems to happen with two consecutive renames (IE, if you rename a file and then try to delete it, the black highlighted one will be correctly deleted, not the dotted box one), and it only happens if the rename causes the file order to change.

I normally use details mode, but I can reproduce what is described in list mode.


Seems that in these modes there's a general issue where when you right-click a file that is selected, but doesn't have the keyboard focus, it isn't given the keyboard focus (but it should be).

You can also trigger it by selecting a file and then using Ctrl-UpArrow to change the keyboard focus, then right-clicking the selected file.