Rename Folder

I have a folder "01-02-03"
I copy "05/06/07" to clipboard
I want to rename my folder to "05-06-07"
Can anybody help?


Rename TO="{=Replace(Clip(),"/","-")=}"
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sorry, doesn't work

Can you be more specific about what happens? Is there an error message?

Note that Lxp's command should go into a button or hotkey (not the Rename dialog, if you were adding it there).

Here two pictures:
I put the code in the context menu.
I'm still using Dopus 12, haven't installed Dopus 13 yet...

2024-02-21 - 002

2024-02-21 - 003

Shame on me...
It's because I haven't upgraded yet.
I'll do it on the weekend.
I'm sorry.
Thank you all. You are always so helpful.
Thanks again.