Rename problems

originally I swear opus would open up the advanced batch renaming thing when I had multiple files selected and went right click -> rename

now however when I have multiple files selected and do that, it tries to rename one single file out of the bunch, as if I only had one file selected. what's the deal with that?

Just click the Advanced button.

I don't see an advanced button?

It's on the Rename dialog, lower left corner.

I don't get a dialoge. I get this:

It appears you are putting Opus into inline rename mode when you right click, which would explain the lack of a rename dialog box.

Have you made any changes to your file types/context menus lately?

I don't believe so? how can I revert back to the defaults?

Rename in the context menu activates inline rename by default. If you want to change this, go to Settings / File Types, select All files and folders and click Edit, then click the Context Menu tab. Locate the Rename item, and edit it to change the function to rename with no parameters (eg, remove the "%2" INLINE="%1")

Or, instead of this, just click the Rename button on the toolbar when you want to use the full Rename dialog.

Jon why would inline rename be the default for the context menu "rename" command when multiple files could be selected?

I have to confess that I'd never run across this situation before however I can see why it could be confusing to new users.

So I hereby make a motion that Ken submits a formal request to Nudel to submit a request to porcupine which might motivate that rascal into showing me more pictures of the Pictured Rocks lakeshore which would then inspire me to submit a request to you to change the default right click context menu rename command so it launches the normal rename dialog box instead of putting Opus into inline rename mode. :laughing:



To be compatible with Explorer, primarily.

Well darn, guess I'm just gonna have to go see the pictured rocks lakeshore for myself then. lol

Who thinks the advanced rename functionality should be removed from Dopus alltogether to be more compatible with Explorer?

Ahhh Hello,

Yes, I missed it too.
I've been to and fro with the context menu thing.
It's been on the back burner , but this is a definite include.
Thanks Jon !

[quote]To be compatible with Explorer, primarily.[/quote][ul]@Jon
Yea, makes sense .

@John Zeman

John, I own a 98 Ford Explorer in excellent condition.
It was Hell to pay off, but I'm quite free now !
The road in is as if it (and probably was ) was created from a linear rock boring machine.
It's so rugged I needed 4 wheel drive to achieve 35 MPH !
This goes on for more than 20 miles !

The hiking trail itself has places almost as alternating up and down as horizontal.

Actually John, I've been building a homemade spare tyre winch tool.
I broke the cheap jack and winch tool doing my brakes this June.
I bought an 8 ton hydraulic replacement for $16 at Harbor Freight Tools.
The winch tool took a bit more ingenuity.
I cut off the end of a hardened 3/8 inch square pry bar .
This welds into a 12 point 7/16 inch 3/8 inch drive deep socket.
The socket is then welded onto a 3/8 inch drive 12 inch extension bar.
I can now simply rachet my spare tyre unencumbered by Ford Junk 'Accessories' such as jacks and tyre winches !

Yes, I'll send you photos. :laughing: LOL


The key here is "to be more compatible with Explorer".
Is there anything else you'd like to do with the advanced rename ???
Alas, that's another topic I guess .[/ul]


[quote="steje"]Who thinks the advanced rename functionality should be removed from Dopus alltogether to be more compatible with Explorer?[/quote]... and shot itself in the foot?


It was a bad joke :slight_smile:...