Rename using file modified date/time

Whilst experimenting with various New Name options in Leo's Unique Number rename script from August 2007 I tried using {modified} in the hope that it would supply the file modified date and my guess proved correct. Other than monkeying with the VB code, is there an easier way of transforming the resultant date/time stamp from..

2009-09-30 14;08;57



Regards, AB

Oops... forgot to attach the accompanying screen cap.


Thanks Jon. This is very useful.

Where can I find a list of valid {keywords} such as {name}, {ext}, {modified} that can be used in this context. I didn't have much luck in the Help file.

Regards, AB

Just use the drop-down arrow that appears next to the New Name field when the file information fields checkbox is turned on. You get a menu of possible fields.

The rest (e.g. the date/time formatting codes) looks to be explained in Advanced Rename topic in the manual. (Type rename into the manual's search field and it's the first hit, at least for me.)