Renaming from metadata via image converter

does renaming using meta data from the image converter window not function as it does in the rename window??

i think there might be bug in there.

unless I'm missing something?

using these settings...

the filenames I'm getting... with regular expression off

whiskey creek fire_SM_{picwidth}x{picheight}.png

if i tick the

  • Use regular expression

option with that string in the new name box, it doesn't see it at all. the file name stays the same, less the .jpg to .png extension change.

I've tired moving that string through both rename boxes with RegEx on and off and name just keeps doing this...



i made a rename preset that adds *_{picwidth}x{picheight} to an existing image name.

Rename PATTERN=* TO=*_{picwidth}x{picheight} IGNOREEXT

so if apply this to the name above i adds the suffix as well as seeing & converting the existing {brackets} placed there from the image converter window.

whiskey creek fire_SM_450x600_450x600.png

It's not a bug. It's something that has never been supported there.

The Add filename suffix checkbox can add dimensions to the filename.

ahh, okay, gotcha. that looks looks like standard find and replace box so i thought itd do same as the rename boxes


as i was trying to save a couple qucik 1 click presets, i came up with this button mixing the two presets! :slight_smile:

Image CONVERT=png PRESET="w1920 HD ReSize - Convert PNG" HERE
Rename PRESET=img_Resized_WxH

Whilst working with a batch of photos that I want to compress and rename to include a shooting time prefix I came across this restriction. Like @xavierarmand I assumed that the rename component of the two dialogs would work the same way. The button he provided is a valid workaround but it would be nice (and consistent) if the rename option worked here the same way as it does in a Rename preset.