Replace Text in Clipboard

Hi there,

just a small question or suggestion.
When I copy iE. a Path using the Clipboard Command is it possible to modify the content of the Clipboard?
It would be useful to have an Argument like Replace in the Clipboard Command like this.
Clipboard Replace="_" TO " "
So all underscores are replaced by spaces.

Is there a way to realize this or alternate to have this in an upcoming version? :smiley:

Thank you, cheerz!

I don't think you can do this currently (although I guess it would be possible with an external scripting tool like AutoHotkey). Send GPSoftware a feature request so that the idea is added to their database. Asking for it here won't necessarily mean they read it.

For what it's worth whenever I have a need to do something like this I'll send the clipboard text to my favorite text editor where I can do anything I want with it. Including copying the modified text back to the clipboard again.

If I've understood the question, you can do this already:

Clipboard COPYNAMES REGEXP "(.)_(.)#" "\1 \2"

That will copy the full paths for all selected items and replace underscores with spaces.

[quote="leo"]If I've understood the question, you can do this already:

Clipboard COPYNAMES REGEXP "(.)_(.)#" "\1 \2"

That will copy the full paths for all selected items and replace underscores with spaces.[/quote]

If there is a way to strip the file extension it would be perfect...


Aha, good old regexp, I'd forgotten that the clipboard copy could use it. :slight_smile:

Of course:

Clipboard COPYNAMES REGEXP "(.)_(.)#" "\1 \2" "(.*).[^.]+" "\1"