Anyway to automatically display a only picture inside the folder instead of the yellow folder icon in thumbnail mode as below?
thank you
Anyway to automatically display a only picture inside the folder instead of the yellow folder icon in thumbnail mode as below?
thank you
Which type of files do you have? It works for me with .cbr & . cbz files, but not with .pdf. You can try to play around with the settings in > Preferences > File Display Modes > Thumbnails > "show frames" (or similar, i don't have Opus switched to the english version), to hide the yellow background.
Hi abr, thanks for replying.
Each folder consist of a picture (jpg) & video (mkv etc) file.
I had tried the settings in thumbnails but seems no such related options as shown
(Side note: You can drag images directly into forum posts, which will make the forum host them. External image hosts can't be trusted.)
One way to do what you want is to create .ico versions of the images, and then assign the appropriate icon to each folder via the standard Properties dialog. Right-click a folder, choose Properties, then on the Customize tab click Change Icon:
Example result (note that small icons are also affected, not just thumbnails):
You'll need an icon editor (or a graphics program which can save to the .ico format, including "jumbo" icon support) for this. I use Axialis IconWorkshop, which is a very good icon editor (but not free; I don't know if there is a free tool that would suffice if this is all you want it for).
@Wobbly: Your link eventually leads to a "Buy this domain" page. I personally use Quick Any2Ico for converting image files to icon files. It's free and super fast.
this links works
Hi Leo thanks for the suggestion but is there any other easy method like a plugin which will automatically scan the picture inside the folder & replace the original yellow folder icon with it ?
it will be tiring to manually change the icon for a lot of folders
thank you
You could probably automate things, since the Properties dialog will just be creating a desktop.ini file in the folder behind the scenes (and setting some attributes so that Windows knows to look for the file).
It isn't something that's built-in, though. It would need a few lines of commands if you wanted it to use a fixed filename for the icon, or a short script if you wanted it to search for an image in the folder without a fixed name. This is also assuming a suitable image-to-icon conversion tool with a command-line interface.
also this maybe of some help