I have these entries in Windows Explorer context menu and I need to put them in DO folder background context menu
"D:\Impostazioni\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" /clippaste /jpgq=100 /convert=%V\Img_$U.jpg"
this command saves clipboard content on a png file
%V means that image is saved in the current directory
Img_$U is the name of the image and it's composed by img_ plus the current date and time
C:\Windows\Incolla appunti in file txt con nome.exe
this command launch an autoit script that saves the clipboard content in a text file and it asks me the name of the file. it also has the current directory as default destination folder
You may need to add cd {sourcepath$} on a line before them if they do things relative to the current directory.
I would also put the second command path in quotes, since it contains spaces.
Note that you may not really need either command in Opus. If you use the normal Edit>Paste (Ctrl-V) command in Opus when there is text or image data in the clipboard, it will be written to a file by default, without the need for external tools.
this works well
“D:\Impostazioni\IrfanView\i_view32.exe” /clippaste /jpgq=100 /convert=Img.jpg"
this doesn't work
“D:\Impostazioni\IrfanView\i_view32.exe” /clippaste /jpgq=100 /convert=Img_$U.jpg"
it's $U that doesn't work. So I'm not able to insert the date.
To achieve my goal I tried this Opus command Clipboard PASTE=jpg however I'd like to insert data and time in the filename. Is it possible?
I solved with "D:\Impostazioni\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" /clippaste /jpgq=100 /convert=Img_{date|yyyy-MM-dd}_{time|HHmmss}.jpg
$U is interpreted by Irfanview as date and time. The output filename is similar to Img_30_03_2018 _ 18_36_21.jpg
Unfortunately I was not able to insert {date|yyyy-MM-dd}_{time|HHmmss} in Clipboard PASTE=jpg
I tried Clipboard PASTE={date|yyyy-MM-dd}_{time|HHmmss}jpg but it doesn't work.
The Opus command is better than the Irfanview one because I'm able to paste clipboard content in folders that require administrative privileges
Is it possible to paste text from the clipboard in a file already existent? I mean the text should be appended to the bottom of the file instead of creating a new file.