REQ: Better <code> style on dark theme


The blueish background used in the <code> block is a special design choice. It’s way to light to allow good contrast.

' Sample VBS Script

Dim userName
userName = InputBox("Entrez votre nom:", "Bienvenue")
If userName <> "" Then
    MsgBox "Bonjour, " & userName & "!", vbInformation, "Salutation"
    MsgBox "Vous n'avez pas entré de nom.", vbExclamation, "Erreur"
End If
// Sample JS Script

let userName = prompt("Entrez votre nom:", "Bienvenue");
if (userName !== null && userName !== "") {
    alert("Bonjour, " + userName + "!");
} else {
    alert("Vous n'avez pas entré de nom.");

Any way to improve that for everyone or should I rely on stylus to customize this for my own taste (which would be totally ok)?

Playing around with it quickly, it needs to be at least that light for the green comment to be legible - otherwise that color would need to change as well (plus maybe others too). Finding contrasting colors that work in all situations can be quite difficult.

I wonder if there's an issue with the forum software actually, as I keep changing this color but it keeps going wrong again a few weeks later. (Either that or it looks VERY different on different screens, and I fix it for one but then it doesn't work on another. I'll look into it when I have a moment.)