Many thanks for the great program in Opus. May I offer a couple of suggestions for consideration by the devs:
That is the option to hide 'built-in aliases' from the popup that appears after typing '/'. Just like in preferences
the option to disable 'autocompletion' of such in the FAYT field.
So in other words, to only show user-created aliases in the FAYT popup/for autocompletion. But to still allow navigation to 'inbuilt' aliases if typed in full.
I'm not sure this would be that useful? As soon as you type one or two letters the list will be filtered down and you'll probably find your custom alias very quickly anyway.
Perhaps it would be an idea to have the system aliases in black & the custome ones in grey? Or something similar.
Like in the preferences alias list with the system aliases turned on?
abr's idea of default lighter grey font for inbuilt ones would be an improvement as it currently stands.
But I guess I would rather just differentiate between the custom and inbuilt ones, which I hardly use. Ideally by hiding the latter as it still makes navigation a little bit quicker when using cursor keys.
eg. it so happens at the moment I have many custom aliases beginning with co.. and these 'clash' with the 15+ inbuilt ones. Filtering them out would help me keep track of the ones I use, esp. if creating them on-the-fly, say:
Favorites ADD=alias NAME="{dlgstring|Named|{sourcepath|nopath|noterm}}"