Reset tab color in tab context menu

I create an item in tab context menu : Go TABCOLOR=reset

Is it possible to :

  • Hide it if color is not set to tab
  • Hide it if right clic in empty space of tab bar

AFAIK there isn't currently a way to do that.

You can do that by adding @hideiftab:sel==-1 on a line at the top of the command.

That isn't documented yet, but here are some quick notes:

These can be used in the Folder Tabs context menu:

  • @showiftab
  • @hideiftab
  • @enableiftab
  • @disableiftab

The tests use the Evaluator, and can use these variables:

  • sel - tab index, or -1 if the background is right-clicked.
  • dual - true if the lister is a dual display
  • count - number of tabs (on the clicked side)
  • countdual - number of tabs on the other side (if dual display)
  • right - true if the right tab (or tab bar) was clicked
  • path - path of the clicked tab (if applicable)

(Edit: The variables are already documented here: Tab Context Menus [Directory Opus Manual] )

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