I want to reset to the original installed settings. Is there a way to do that?
I'm not aware of any really straightforward way of doing this. I now make a habit of saving a "vanilla" config as each new Opus release comes out. Sometimes there are interesting changes/additions to the default settings and toolbars.
You could create a new Windows UserID, log in, fire up Opus, and take a backup of a pristine configuration. Alternatively, you could back up your current config and then uninstall/reinstall Opus.
Regards, AB
Uninstall and then reinstall and all the settings will be reset.
You can also selectively reset some or all Preferences settings via the File menu in the Prefs dialog.
Toolbars can be reset via the Reset to Defaults options when you right-click the empty space on a toolbar.
Or just delete your configuration folder (/dopusdata).
i can not locate the /dopusdata folder. where is it located?
Just type /dopusdata into the Opus path field.
See also: How to back-up or locate your Opus configuration (Simple)