Restore the menu toolbar

How can I restore the menu bar? I was deleting toolbars under the preferences menu. I thought my default lister would return since I don't set it to update on closing, but no. No toolbars, menu bar, etc. What do I do to reset it to show the menu toolbar?

Thank you

If you delete the ListerMenu or Toolbar (and a couple of others) toolbars then Opus will automatically recreate them the next time it starts. You may still have to turn them back on, though. To do that, go to the Customize dialog, Toolbar tab and tick them.

If you've accidentally removed all toolbar/menu/hotkey methods of opening the Customize dialog then you can still open it up by pasting this into the Start->Run dialog:

"C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /CMD Prefs CUSTOMIZE

Also, the setting to update the default lister on closing does not affect or remember toolbars. It remembers window placement and the current directory but not toolbars. If you close a toolbar you need to go to the Customize dialog to turn it back on.

(You can also right-click the empty space on another toolbar to get a menu of other toolbars which you can open. Additionally, if you want to toggle a certain toolbar frequently then you can make buttons and hotkeys to do it.)


I was looking under the "Preferences", but not "Customize" for some reason.
I was finding those two settings by clicking the Dopus Icon in the upper left corner of the window. So they were available to me, but I didn't know how to use them. Thanks for the quick response.