Reverse sorting the index?

It would be very nice, if we could reverse the sort order for the index. I have over 1,500 photo sessions in a folder, and with a reversed sort order i would have #1 for the oldest session, and #1552 for the newest one. My sorting is therefore to have the current sessions at the top. The index is maybe the only column, that cannot be reverted at the moment.

Try an eval column.

That will also reverse all my photosessions, putting the oldest on to the top.

And reversing the sort order will not give you what you want?

No. It's even weirder. If i insist on sorting by date, newest at the top, that list is all mixed up. If i click the custom index sort, it will do a strict sorting by name (which i didn't set anywhere), starting with 01-April, then 02, 03 etc.

Maybe the evaluator can't do this at the moment. I would expect the latest session in 2024 to be #1552, and the oldest one, #1, to be in 2009. So i can reverse the index sort order, but it will reverse the dates as well.

You could prefix the folders with a four-digit counter and sort by name.

That's not an option either. I have distributed my photo collection to other people, which would be forced to apply that change, to keep it uniform, and it also doesn't look good. :slightly_smiling_face:
I would also have to keep track of the current count manually.

Maybe the devs consider to implement that change?

Maybe like this? My first time using Evaluator, be gentle :smiley: And I didn't know a column called "index" existed until this post :smiley:


EDIT: The reason why it goes like 0006, 0003 at index 10: bottom 4 items are files, and my settings always put folders on top, files below.

Just tried it, but the results are basically the same. Some additional info about my sort order, it's ''date created'.

Unlikely. It's an index. The first item in the display will always be "1". I was surprised that the eval column with index could be sorted at all. Could very well be a bug.

Yes, maybe it is. Ideally, it would ignore all other sort orders, but seems to be connected somehow. Not a big issue, and i have already requested it maybe 6 years ago, but for the scenario i have described it would make sense, i guess. My workaround is to have the value integrated in the status bar, which reflects the current session count and index number.

And thanks, lxp and cyilmaz! :+1:

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Once the column value has been generated it's cached, so sorting on it would work as long as all values in the column had been generated (at least until you pushed F5 anyway).

The index column just gives a number to the sort order that comes from something else. If you want the list sorted in the reverse order just reverse whatever thing it's currently sorted by. Sorting by the index itself doesn't make sense.

Or are you asking if the numbering shown in the index could be reversed, so that 1 at the bottom of the list?

Yes, exactly the latter. Currently, the list always starts with #1 at the top. With being the 1552nd session, i'd like to see that kind of value/counter at the top. In other words, adding new photo sessions would increment that count. I'm not sure, if it would make any sense for other uses cases, but who knows?

I was playing with Evaluators trying to find a solution for OP: How does FileCount() work, or is it broken? All these combinations throw an error:

if (FileCount(true, "dirs:*") <= 5) { return 5; }
if (FileCount(false, "dirs:*") <= 5) { return 5; }
if (FileCount("dirs:*") <= 5) { return 5; }
FileCount(false, "dirs:*")
FileCount(true, "dirs:*")
return FileCount(false, "dirs:*")
return FileCount("dirs:*")
// no luck with "files:*", "files:*.jpg", etc either

FileCount() only works in button/function contexts unfortunately.


We'll add an option to reverse the Index column in 13.3.1.


Cool, thanks!

Works nicely, thanks Jon! Only thing, the count starts at 0 (zero). But i have added an extra folder with an old date, so the folder count is in sync now. :beers: