I followed the instructions on this subject in the FAQ, the only thing i could find was to remove notepad++ (first upgraded, no result and then removed it no result). It happens with all the files and all types of folders. I thought perhaps it had something to do with the mouse driver (new logitech mx master with new sofware called logitech options) removed that to but with no result. The problem is recent, i never had any issues in the last ten years, I use windows 8.1 , here are some random error messages
First of all, indeed, ArchiCrypt Shredder Shellextension takes Opus down. But why?
Start Windows Explorer or use Shredder integrated File Explorer and see, if there is a Shredder Shellextension (context menu, named ArchiCrypt
Shredder) . If yes, Shellextension is OK and fulfills all MS requirements. If there is no such context menu, there is a third participant.
A short-term solution is, to deactivate the Shredder Context Menu for Shellobjects. To do this, start shredder, change to settings - general and deactivate "In Windows Explorer integrieren".
We will try to investigate the problem by installing and checking Opus behavior!
Since the crash is occurring in their DLL it makes sense for them to do the initial investigation. If they find a problem in our code we'll of course be happy to fix it.
the problem was on the side of archicrypt, he replaced the ACshredder.dll for the latest version (during the upgrade is was not replaced) and now everything works fine again, thanks for your help
The File ACShredderShell.dll is located in the installation path.
Mostly found here:
C:\Program Files\ArchiCrypt\ArchiCrypt Shredder 7
There you can see the file size for ACShredderShell.dll
Kind regards
Update 7.1.1 is released.
You should completely uninstall Shredder 7.x and reboot.
After rebooting ensure, that there is no longer a shredder context menu
in Opus.