I customized my "Drives" toolbar, and would like the ability to right click on my folders that I have added to the toolbar alongside my drives. My drives are all right clickable, however, the folders that I have added to the same toolbar are not. Is that something that can be fixed in a future release? I am running DO 11 Beta 6 x64 on Windows 7 x64. Thank you for your any help that you can provide. I appreciate it.
You can do it by editing the buttons from:
Go "C:\Path\To\Last Folder"
Go "C:\Path\To" FOLDERCONTENT="nofiles,dirfilter=Last Folder"
I'm sorry Leo, but I don't understand what you mean by that. Could you be a little more clear regarding this?
Edit the buttons you have at the moment and you should see they run a command like my first one.
Change it so it is like my second one, where the folder name is moved out of the path and into the extra arguments at the end.
If you're still not sure, post some examples of your current commands and I'll show you what to turn them into.
I found the Command Editor dialog box that you were referring to, and the only command listed for this particular folder that I have on this toolbar is
Go "F:\FLAC"
I uploaded the dialog box for you to help me better.
Change the command from:
Go "F:\FLAC"
Go "F:" FOLDERCONTENT="nofiles,dirfilter=FLAC"
Works perfect. Thank you very much for your help. I hope I didn't test your patience too much.
I am trying to apply the command that you showed me above to Network folders without success. The network folder that I would like to make "right clickable" on my toolbar is titled "Movies" and the network path according to the location path is: Network\NAS\Movies. I was trying: Go "Network\NAS" FOLDERCONTENT="nofiles,dirfilter=Movies". Do you see what I'm doing wrong?
"Network" should not be part of the path.
It probably won't work at the share level, either.
There is another way to do this, as it happens, but I don't have access to the details at the moment unfortunately.
OK. Thank you for getting back to me regarding this. Is there somewhere I can look to find that info, or will I have to wait for the final release?
I think just \NAS\Movies should work.
I'm not having any luck with "\NAS\Movies" either. If it's not possible currently on Beta 11, would it be possible to implement this feature in a future build?