> You want it to remember window sizes and positions based on the folder that was being displayed?
Yes, correct. To be honest, I am quite surprised DOpus doesn't do this.
> Just out of curiosity, if you have two or more windows with the same layout open, which one wins the "save my size and position" battle? Would it be the last one?
Yeah, the last one you closed.
I'll give you a couple of specific examples from Windows XP (to the best of my recollection) in case its been a long time sine you used it:
- There is a shortcut on the desktop pointing to "D:\projects\chainsaw".
- I double click this shortcut, and the window opens. I move the window and resize it. (I remain in the same path though, I never move away.)
- I close the window, and now the new position and size is saved. My guess is that XP saves only when you close a window.
- I double click the shortcut again, and the window opens where I left it the last time.
Also, if I hit Win+R and type in "D:\projects\chainsaw" directly to open a new window... this window opens in the same position as above, because the system has stored its position.
If I have another shortcut some place else on my system, pointing to the the same path as above and I open it, the window opens in the same position as earlier, even though its a different shortcut file.
Windows XP's Folder Options had a button "Apply to all folders". This would delete the position and size of all Explorer windows, and overwrite it with the one you currently have opened. This button does nothing in Win 7, because Win 7 does not store the position/size of individual Explorer windows anymore.
Another example to further elaborate:
If I use Win+R to go directly do a subdirectory of the path above i.e. "D:\projects\chainsaw\oil", it will open a window in the default position, because it has no saved position for it. Probably because I never closed a window while being in that specific directory. But, if I move to the parent folder "D:\projects\chainsaw" it will now update the positions/size, meaning if I use the shortcut mentioned above in the future, it will now open this window in the new updated position.
There is a small and very simple program called ShellFolderFix (screenshot) that bringes back the XP functionality in Win 7. It truly is a life saver if you are like me and often have many Explorer windows open at the same time while working on projects.
This is the functionality I want to see in DOpus. Pretty please. We need this