Saving Tabs

I am losing my tabs. Suppose I have Dopus with dual display, the left has (say) 5 tabs, and the right pane has (say) 10 tabs. If I were to exit Dopus with this tab combination, and after that some software initiates launching of Dopus, e.g., you stick a USB drive and open in Dopus, it will launch an instance of Dopus, but will lose all the left tabs, and will show the USB drive in a new tab (but the only tab in the left pane; with all my previous tabs lost). This is annoying. Can this be prevented.


[quote="cioman"]I am losing my tabs. Suppose I have Dopus with dual display, the left has (say) 5 tabs, and the right pane has (say) 10 tabs. If I were to exit Dopus with this tab combination, and after that some software initiates launching of Dopus, e.g., you stick a USB drive and open in Dopus, it will launch an instance of Dopus, but will lose all the left tabs, and will show the USB drive in a new tab (but the only tab in the left pane; with all my previous tabs lost). This is annoying. Can this be prevented.


You can prevent this by either saving your preferred tabs along with your default lister (given, that the default lister is loaded as a standard) or separately saving your tab sets by setting up your tabgroups (you can conveniently do that in the prefs -> listers -> tab groups) & saving them (for the left side & for the right side).

If you, for instance, save the left listerĀ“s tabs as tabgroup1 & the other as tabgroup2, then a button containing


will restore your preferred tabs in one click.

Thanks for the response. Yes, what you mention would help if the tabs are static (i.e., the same sub-dir in them, every time). However, if they are dynamic, you would lose them, if you didn't save the state (every time you exit). I was hoping there was some way of avoiding this situation of losing tabs when some software opened Dopus with its own sub-dir shown in a sub-dir.

Many thanks!

You can look in the prefs -> Opus start -> open last active lister,
which should open it the way you left it. Maybe that helps.

If a folder is double-clicked (or launched by another program) and it's that which causes Opus to open (i.e. Opus wasn't already open) then the default folder tabs get ignored and only that folder is opened.

There's no way around that at the moment (except making sure Opus is started before any folders are double-clicked or launched).

Thanks abr and leo. Leo's post pertains to my specific problem. Thanks for explaining. I am experiencing the same, and I have learnt to make sure that I have Dopus open with the tabs I want to preserve their state. What would be nice if the double-clicked folder opens, not in a new Dopus session, but is added as a tab to the default ones.